Crushed LimestoneBallarat

Where do you need it?

Crushed limestone can be used in a range of residential, commercial and civil applications for Ballarat-based projects, such as driveways, hardstands, pathways and paving. Get in touch with experienced suppliers to source high-quality material.

Logo of Ballarat Garden Supplies
Canadian, VIC
  • Crushed Limestone
  • Landscapers
  • Landscaping Supplies
Logo of Ballarat Sand & Soil
Wendouree, VIC
  • Crushed Limestone
  • Landscaping Supplies
  • Soil Disposal
Logo of Daylesford Garden Supply
Daylesford, VIC
  • Crushed Limestone
  • Landscaping Supplies
  • Aggregate Supplies
Logo of Batesford Quarry
Manifold Heights, VIC
  • Crushed Limestone
  • Quarry Products
  • Washed Sand
Logo of Holcim
North Geelong, VIC
  • Crushed Limestone
  • Concrete Supply
  • Kerbing
Logo of Geelong Marble House
North Geelong, VIC
  • Crushed Limestone
  • Rock Pitching
Logo of M. Sec Transport
Werribee, VIC
  • Crushed Limestone
  • Tipper
  • Heavy Haulage

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Crushed Limestone Suppliers in Ballarat

iseekplant is the largest online construction hire marketplace in Australia with a directory of ag lime suppliers in every major town and city across the country. Our online marketplace allows Ballarat residents the ability to find affordable rates on different agricultural lime suppliers near them. We allow you to connect with suppliers near you through our marketplace so you can get a fast quote and compare rates. Take a look at our listings above to find a suitable ag lime supplier near you.

What You Can Expect from Crushed Limestone Suppliers in Ballarat

Ag lime, also known as agricultural lime, is a soil additive made from crushed limestone. This material is used to reduce the soil’s acidity to promote growth in plants. In most cases, ag lime is used for gardens and lands in which soil has a massive amount of acidity. Agricultural lime has calcium carbonate, which is an active component that helps reduce the soil’s acidity. In some cases, additional chemicals such as calcium oxide are added depending on the mineral source.

Adding crushed limestone to soil to prevent soil acidity is considered beneficial to both plants and livestock. The proper use of ag lime is one of the most crucial components of a successful crop management program as high acidity levels on soil can severely limit both short-term and long-term soil productivity.

Some of the best benefits of using ag lime include the improvement of the physical, biological, and chemical properties of the soil; promoting better nitrogen fixation by legumes; reducing toxicities in the soil; enhancing the effectiveness of some herbicides; increasing the availability of nutrients to plants; and promoting a better supply of calcium, magnesium and other minerals to crops.

That being said, there are some things to consider when it comes to applying agricultural lime to the soil. Although it’s mentioned that ag lime can be beneficial to crops, there are certain things to check and consider before you buy agricultural lime. This includes the type of produce you are growing, the size of the agricultural lime, as well as your convenience as maintaining your soil’s pH level requires a lot of time and effort.

Find the Best Crushed Limestone Suppliers in Ballarat through iseekplant

We’ve assisted numerous suppliers in finding agricultural lime suppliers across the country. We have suppliers located in Ballarat but if you can’t find suitable company, try searching in Creswick, Ballan, Bacchus Marsh, Maryborough or Melton. Our suppliers also provide related services you might be interested in including Crushed Concrete, Washed Sand and Top Soil.

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