Cairns Locating Specialists are Far North Queensland’s all encompassing, professional locating solution, servicing Townsville to the Cape. We utilise the most current and innovative mapping technologies to provide a superior and reliable service to all of our valued clients, and are certified to the highest industry standards.
Cairns Locating Services are able to provide a comprehensive and strategic plan for all jobs, big and small. Whatever project you need a service locator for, be sure to speak to our friendly team and we’ll be happy to recommend the best solution for your individual needs.
At Cairns Locating Specialists, we offer personalised and technologically advanced service solutions that maximise efficiency, safety and longevity for a wide range of projects. We combine the latest in ground penetrating radar (GPR) and utility mapping technology with field experience and exceptional service to offer the most specialised service offering of this kind in the Far North region.