Our company specialises in RII Training and Safety but understand the importance of providing quick wash down systems for efficient machinery servicing, reduced down time on unplanned breakdowns, and improving utilisation through reduced down time. To be able to quickly wash down grease surfaces to view repairs required or start interval-servicing will improve your machine utilisation - which is money in pocket over an asset sitting parked up not generating income.
They also suit building and walk-way wash requirements as path-cleaning attachment is also available for hire. Quick and easy cleaning system.
The pressure washers are portable so they go to the machine or work area. The built-in work platform on IST02 allows for safe access to heavy machinery or heights. Quick and easy to setup and get on with the job.
Provider of mobile pressure washing systems, both hot and cold available.
Dry hire
Short and Long Term rates available and negotiable to suit your budget and job requirements.