We are fast becoming one of the largest NDT companies in SA. With over 11 years experience in the industry, we are a long term major supplier to the defence space and most recently have expanded in to local engineering, cranes and fabrication workshops. As well as an office in Osborne, we also have an office and ongoing presence in Whyalla and Roxby Downs.
In addition to non-destructive testing, QMS-NDT also supply quality, cost saving NACE inspectors to a growing clientele list and we would like to expand our vast inspections services.
Some recent major projects include the HMAS Collins Class submarine full-cycle dockings for the ASC in Osborne SA, off-shore patrol vessel NDT for the ASC and HMAS Collins Class submarine mid-cycle/intermediary dockings for the ASC (WA)
We focus & pride ourselves on our superior customer service. We are a young and very energetic business which begins at the top and spreads through the entire organisation. We strive to offer the best service at the best price.
Non-Destructive Testing: Radiography, Magnetic Particle Inspection, Dye Penetrant Inspection, Ultrasonic Weld & Thickness Testing, Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing, Eddy Current Testing, Automated Ultrasonic Thickness Testing, Conventional & Advanced Metrology, NACE Coating inspection, In Service Pressure Vessel Inspection (AICIP), Vapour Honing, Cerakote Industrial Ceramic Coating, Powder Coating, Parts Blast & Paint