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Stone Masonry (NSW) Pty Ltd

Wyong, NSW 2259


Stone Masonry is an innovative and dynamic company with over 40 years professional service experience producing quality hand crafted paving and landscaping products for commercial and residential markets

Our Modern production facilities located on the NSW Central Coast, use a wet cast process to produce precise and durable landscaping systems including paving, bullnoses, capping, borders, wall cladding, retaining wall systems and other accessories.

The complete Stone Masonry product range features inspired colours and textures found in natural stone. The wide range of colours and finishes are developed through constant innovation and allow the creation of diverse landscaping solutions which sit in harmony with their surrounding environment.

Stonepave Smooth

Stonepave Rock







Stonepave Smooth

The Stonepave Smooth paving ranges compliments a modern or formal outdoor setting. The sleek smooth texture of the large format paver exudes class and elegance.


The Impresstone fascia block is created by bonding a cast stone fascia title to a masonry block. Impresstone is available in a natural split rock finish and a variety of colours which allows you to build with the unique and impressive character of Australian sandstone at a fraction of the cost.

The blocks are of architectural standard and strength and are available in a variety of sizes and formats to suit any building or landscaping application. The Impresstone fascia tile is also available individually.

Cobble Cast Border

Borders are an important feature in landscaping as they provide complementary or contrasting colours and textures, drawing attention to design details and accentuating the features of your outdoor living space.

Cobble Cast borders provide a sophisticated finishing touch for pathways, courtyards, lawns and garden beds.


Stone Masonry's products are available in a wide range of colours to suit all tastes and applications. Colours displayed are an indication only, please view colour samples at your local stockist.



Delivery will be kerb-side. However, if requested, we will do our utmost to meet other delivery requirements if at all possible and place the pavers where requested. This placement is strictly up to the discretion of the delivery driver whose decision will be final and based upon his experience along with the safety of your premises and his equipment. Stone Masonry does not accept liability for payment to trades people should a delay occur. Unfortunately, un-avoidable delays do occur with Sydney metro traffic and a delay could result in unpaid lost time for the tradesperson.


Please check the order for size, colour, quantity, and quality. Discrepancies will not be recognized unless notified within 48 hours. Goods unpacked or pallets moved - relocated from the place of delivery will not be considered under any circumstances in the event of a return or exchange.

Should a problem arise that is the fault of Stone Masonry this will be made good, but accept no responsibility for payment to tradespeople.


As a hand-made product manufactured to industry standards using natural materials Stone Masonry pavers and tiles may have surface imperfections, colour variation, thickness variation up to +/- 3mm and some pitting / pin holing and chipping. Chipped or damaged pavers up to 4% are considered to be within acceptable industry standards and will not be replaced. These should be put aside and used for cutting. Should the order be greater than one pallet the pallets must be blended during laying. We do not accept responsibility for normal – natural inbuilt variations.


Always adopt good licenced paving and tile laying practices by a qualified tradesperson. Your paving outlet will be able give you some recommendations. Whilst most paving layers and tilers would have experience in laying and cutting Stone Masonry products, if need be, have them contact your paving outlet, tile shop or Stone Masonry technical department for advice prior to quoting and laying. As with all pavers we recommend minimum of 5 - 7mm gap between the pavers to prevent chipping. For the DIY person we recommend that you consult a licenced tradesperson before commencing.


Laying on a compacted Road-Base Sub-Base

Step 1: Excavate your area to allow for a compacted road-base / sub-base of 100mm, then 20-40mm of coarse paving sand, and the thickness of the paver.

Step 2: Ensure your sub-base is flat and firm. If the area needs to be built up then do this using compacted road-base in layers. (75mm)

Step 3: Fill the area with bedding sand and screed to a flat, even surface. Good drainage is most important to ensure water can drain freely from both beneath and over the pavers. Minimum fall over the area should be a ratio of 1:50 or 20mm for every metre.

Step 4: Begin laying the pavers from one corner. Ensure all pavers are laid and leveled individually at the time of laying, as their larger size does not allow leveling with a compactor plate. Do not walk on the sand, walk on the pavers already laid.

Step 5: After completion of laying the next step is to compact pavers. A flat heavy board placed across the pavers and hit with a mallet will suffice. Never use a mechanical "whacker" on Stone Masonry products.

Step 6: After compaction, spread either a fine sand, or a specialised jointing sand over the pavers. (Ensure pavers are sealed prior to a jointing sand being applied.) Sweep into gaps and remove excess. If sand and cement mix is used for jointing be extremely careful as staining may occur.

Step 7: Wash the excess sand off the pavers with water. This will help set the pavers.


Step 1: The concrete sub-base should be a minimum of 75mm in thickness of 20Mpa concrete and incorporated F62 reinforcing mesh. Care should be taken to slope the concrete sub-base towards the selection points of drainage. Minimum fall over the area should be a ratio of 1:50 or 20mm for every metre.

Step 2: The pavers should be laid on a wet mortar bed of 15-25mm thickness. The mortar should be mixed at a ratio of 6 to 1 sand and cement with a moisture content similar to that used to lay bricks. In warmer conditions it is advisable to dampen the concrete base and bottoms of the pavers prior to laying so that the moisture in the mortar bed isn't allowed to dry too quickly. Do not place and screed more mortar bed than that required for 30 minutes of paver placement at any time. This is critical on warmer days. Do not lay pavers on a sand bed where there is a concrete sub-base.

Step 3: Pavers should be laid to form a smooth finished surface by using a level and LIGHTLY tapping with a rubber mallet when being laid.

Step 4: Stone Masonry pavers are not to be laid butt-jointed. It is recommended that a minimum of 5-7mm gap between the pavers to prevent any chipping.

Step 5: If any mortar is spilled over the pavers during construction remove it immediately using a clean sponge and water. DO NOT USE ACID. Acid will erode the concrete surface.

Step 6: Once the pavement is finished do not allow traffic for 48 hours.


Tiles must only be laid over reinforced concrete sub base of a thickness to suit intended use. Tiles must be adhered to the concrete using a suitable adhesive such as a flexible tile glue. Any cement laitance or scale must be wire brushed from the backs of the tiles prior to them being primed with the suitable adhesive before laying. Failure to do so may result in a drummy installation.


For general paving areas we recommend the use of fine washed kiln dried pointing sand. This will be available from your paving outlet. For pool copings, paving etc mortar / glue fixed to a reinforced concrete slab or surround we recommend wet grouting with clean, slat free, washed sand and cement grout. Please Note: Only grout small areas at a time, ensuring the grout is washed thoroughly with clean water and a sponge prior to it setting. Changing the washing water regularly. DO NOT USE ACID. Acid will erode the concrete surface.


You will generally find that some cutting of pavers will be required to fit into specific areas. It may be easier to hire a wet brick saw with a diamond blade, where there are a large number cuts required within the area. Ensure the sediment is rinsed off thoroughly before the paver dries as the sediment can cause staining.


It is essential that good edging restraints are constructed to prevent any movement of the pavers and the bedding sand remains in place and not washed away. This can be done by embedding the outside paver in concrete to approx. half the height of the paver.


Stone Masonry products are all produced to the Australian Standard for a non-slip surface, which is ideal for areas such as swimming pools. Stone Masonry recommends all pavers to be sealed by Dry Treat Stain Proof Sealer to prevent against salt attack.


It is essential to keep the pavers or tiles clean and free from soil oxides, cements, mortar droppings, leaves, bark, rubber tyre or boot marks etc. during and after laying the pavers as this may result in staining of the pavers. All pavers require cleaning from time to time, to ensure they remain in a satisfactory condition. Stains may detract from appearance. Sweeping and or hosing the area will assist in maintaining the paved area. If necessary wash with warm water and an industrial strength non-toxic detergent. DO NOT USE ACID. Acid will erode the concrete surface.


As with many other manufacturers Stone Masonry recommends all our products to be sealed prior to use to prevent staining. Stone Masonry recommends Dry Treat Stain Proof Sealer to be used when sealing its products. Dry Treat Stain Proof sealer has a coverage rate of 12-14 metres per litre. Contact your paving outlet or Stone Masonry for any questions.

NOTE: All coloured products should be ordered at the same time to reduce the risk of batch variation. No claims will be accepted once the product has been installed.


If efflorescence appears it is visible as a lightening in colour of the paver or whitish deposit on the surface and is sometimes mistaken as fading. Major industry studies show that weathering will eliminate the problem or in most cases the application of a sealer will prevent the potential problem. Unfortunately at this stage there is no effective additive that can be used to prevent the occurrence of efflorescence on finished concrete products. There are a few measures that can be taken to try and prevent efflorescence from occurring. Do not stack pavers in a criss cross manner or leave objects on the pavers for any length of time prior to sealing as this can cause efflorescence marks. Good drainage of both the paver surface and the under-bedding material is essential and in most cases will assist greatly in limiting efflorescence, which can take some time to disappear. As the occurrence of efflorescence is beyond our control no guarantees are given.


Stone Masonry pavers are delivered on one-way non-returnable pallets.



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  • 16 Pavitt Crescent, Wyong NSW 2259, Australia

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