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Townsville Lime & Gypsum

Black River, QLD 4818



3rd Generation Family-Owned Business

Townsville Lime & Gypsum are a family owned and operated business that services North Queensland, Central Queensland and Northern Territory. Russel (Rusty) Wilkins, our director has been in the lime industry for over 40 years and is joined by his children Glenn, Wayne and Karen to service clients across our regions. 

All our quality products are sourced within Queensland, with our Ag Lime obtained directly from our mine located on Hervey Range Road. You can purchase our Ag-Lime, Gypsum and Dolomite in 20kg bags, 1 tonne bags or bulk. Here at Townsville Lime and Gypsum we not only supply your bulk lime and gypsum we can spread it for you. Contact us for a great deal on supply, delivery and spreading.


Ag Lime, or agricultural lime, is a soil conditioner made from crushed limestone. Ag lime works by dissolving and releasing a base that lowers the acidity of the soil. For crops growing in less-than-ideal acidity conditions, Ag Lime can boost a farmer’s profit potential by providing a number of benefits, including improving fertilizer efficiency by as much as 50 percent.

Common Uses

Farmers apply lime to increase crop yields. 

Homeowners and landscapers use it to improve the appearance of lawns that have acidic soils.

Waterlogged soils.

Where seawater or saline groundwater is present.

PASS / ASS (acid sulphate soils). 

Want to know 6 benefits of Ag Lime? 

1. Improves the PH level of soil.

2. Promotes better nitrogen fixation with legumes.

3. Increases the availability of nutrients to plants.

4. Reduces toxicities in the soil.

5. Enhances the effectiveness of some herbicides.

6. Supplies calcium, magnesium and other minerals to crops.


Gypsum is calcium sulfate, a naturally occurring mineral. It has been publicised as beneficial for breaking up compact soil, especially clay soil. It is useful in changing the soil structure of excessively heavy soils which have been impacted by heavy traffic, flooding, overcropping, or simply overly weatherised. One of the main uses of gypsum is to remove excess sodium from the soil and adding calcium. A soil analysis is helpful in determining if you need to apply gypsum as a soil amendment. 

Additional benefits are a reduction in crusting, improved water run-off and erosion control, assisting in seedling emergence, more workable soils, and better percolation. However, the effects will only last a couple of months before the soil reverts to its original state.

1. Source of calcium and sulphur for plant nutrition. 

2. Improves alkaline soils. 

3. Improves soil structure. 

4. Improves water infiltration.

5. Helps reduce runoff and erosion.


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  • 861 Black River Road, Black River QLD, Australia

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