The Australian Portable Camps is a renowned company that provides a complete set of manufacture, transport, installation, and a variety of other camp services. They offer a totally new concept and believe that camp solutions need to be strong, robust, and user-friendly.
What makes them stand out is they consider each project with its individual needs and requirements and then offer solutions accordingly. Specifications, safety, and environmental needs are always on the top of their priority list.
Focused on innovation, efficiency, and reliability, Australian Portable Camps provides a wide range of services. The list of solutions offered by them includes:
Camp Solutions
The camp solutions by APC are further divided into the following:
Water & Waste-Water Service
The water and wastewater treatment plants at Australian Portable Camps provide the fastest and most reliable solutions. Their versatile systems can range from basic water filtration in areas where water is easily available to reverse osmosis plants where there are only high salinity water sources available.
Camp Maintenance
The maintenance team at APC ensures the highest levels of services to maintain each asset in the best manner.
From construction to maintaining temporary or permanent living facilities, and more, Australian Portable Camps has a vast range of plant and equipment to cater for any type of requirements. Also, they have a large fleet of trucks.
All the equipment at APC are maintained regularly and are only used by the most proficient and well-trained operators.
Give us a call today to discuss your hire requirements!